Report on the "Todos Protegidos" (Everyone Protected) campaign

CAMPAIGN “TODOS ROTEGIDOS” (EVERYONE PROTECTED) It is with great pleasure and gratitude that the REFORMAR - Research for Mozambique shares our last report about the Campaign “Todos Protegidos”.

The main objective of the campaign was to produce and distribute face-masks in all penitentiary establishments across the country, to help minimize the rapid spread of Covid-19 among inmates, as well as to provide professional training in sewing for inmates. This training was envisaged as an activity of an added-value, which would provide inmates with a skill they could use when they leave prison, thus contributing to their easier social reintegration into society. The “TODOS PROTEGIDOS” campaign started in Maputo City and Province, in the Ndlavela Women’s Prison and Boane Special Facility for Juvenile Rehabilitation. Subsequently, we extended our reach, and became a national campaign, reaching prisons in all provinces in the country. The campaign was made possible by donations from different Mozambican civil society organizations, individuals and international organizations.

It should be noted that also REFORMAR provided for around 100 capulanas and other material to make face-masks. REFORMAR has also been supporting the cut and sewing course in Boane, from which 4 prisoners benefited

1054 Capulanas were distributed, among other materials. In total, 15,496 masks were produced by the “TODOS PROTEGIDOS” campaign throughout the country. We would like to highlight that, part of the masks produced at the provincial prisons level was later distributed to the district prisons.

REFORMAR recognizes that all this would not have been possible without the support of our partners. The team wishes to thank everyone who supported this campaign, directly or indirectly.